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Nauchno-prakticheskiy zhurnal «Dialog» (Scientific and practical journal «Dialog») is founded in 2015. Periodicity: 4 times a year. ISSN 2413-130X.
It included into the following scientometric databases: Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), Scientific electronic library «CyberLeninka», Ulrichsweb (Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory).
Main headings: history of political and legal doctrines, retrospective analysis of the development of state and law, state and law: theory and practice, state and law of foreign countries, international law, dialogue of opinions, young scientist’s forum, personalia, etc.
The purpose of the journal is to improve the quality of coverage of the main results of scientific research in the specialties 5.1 «Law», 5.2 «Economics».
The objectives of the journal include: encouraging academic debates; publication of materials containing the results of original open research (theoretical and applied) works, scientific and practical and innovative activities of the teaching staff and other employees of universities and organizations of Russia, CIS and foreign countries; participation in the expansion of cooperation between Russian and foreign scientists and lecturers; involvement of young scholars and university professors in the academic activity and professional establishment; arranging panels, conferences, symposiums and similar events.
Languages of publication: Russian, English.
Founder: Asadov Ramu Beyukkhanovich.
Publishing: Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education «Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigor’evich and Nikolay Grigor’evich Stoletovs».